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Happy birthday to The Current!

Posted by Burlesque of North America on January 25, 2010. 0 Comments

One of our favorite local radio stations, 89.3 The Current, just hit their five year anniversary. Part of Minnesota Public Radio, The Current has been supporting great local music and artists since the beginning. We've had a chance to design a handful of posters, t-shirts, and CD packages for the station and were thrilled to design the poster commemorating five years of music being broadcast through the air of Minnesota. Wes and I collaborated on the design, passing bits of Illustrator and Photoshop files back and forth until it was just right: The posters debuted yesterday at the Rock The Cradle event and, if there are any copies left, will be available at The Current's SOLD OUT anniversary concert in the First Avenue mainroom featuring P.O.S, Solid Gold, Lookbook, and more. If you didn't get tickets to that show but want a poster, The Current will have them available on their website and we will likely be selling a few copies on ours as well. If you want another chance to catch Solid Gold performing live (they're all the rage right now), they will be co-headlining First Avenue's Gimme Shelter concert on February 6th. Organized by the folks at City Pages, proceeds from the concert will go to the Red Cross' relief efforts in Haiti. Mike 2600 (me) and Jimmy 2 Times will be DJing inbetween acts and I also designed the flyer. RSVP on Facebook JUST ADDED - our friends over at Rhymesayers have put together a monster of a concert to benefit relief efforts in Haiti. Check the flyer below for the lineup and meet us at First Ave!

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