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Kutiman x Youtube

Posted by Burlesque of North America on March 08, 2009. 0 Comments

Not too long ago, I designed a 12"" label for our friends at Melting Pot Music for their new artist Kutiman, an afro-funk musician from Tel Aviv, Israel who plays all the instruments on his songs. The design was a two color typography workout and turned out about like this: Soon after, Melting Pot asked me to design Kutiman's full length album cover artwork. I loved all of the songs I'd heard from him so far and was really excited to get to work on it. It was a much more involved project: If you haven't heard Kutiman's music, it's more than worth a listen over at the Melting Pot website. We have copies for sale at our online store. So why am I bringing up an album cover I designed like two years ago? Well, Kutiman has just popped up and shared his latest project with the world wide webosphere. Rather than releasing an album on which he's played every instrument, he's released a series of videos on which he's playing ... everyone else's instruments. The project, entitled Thru You, is a series of funk songs made up from Youtube clips of people singing, playing drums, twiddling knobs on synthesizers, clapping their hands, playing trombones, cymbals, and hand drums. Kutiman takes his samples from every type of musician imaginable - old, young, white, black, male, female, amateur, virtuoso, even people using Youtube to sell their instruments on eBay, and blends them all together to make fully cohesive and mindblowingly on-point and enjoyable songs. You really have to see it to believe it. Here are a few favorites: The Mother of All Funk Chords: httpv:// Just a Lady: httpv://

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