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Deuce Seven ""Washout"" Available on Thursday

Posted by Burlesque of North America on March 31, 2009. 0 Comments

Followers of our newsletter no doubt know that one of the most promising up-and-coming artists in the Twin Cities, Deuce Seven, has been working with us to create some awesome screen prints of his astonishing work. This Thursday at 2pm Central, we're putting our latest print, ""Washout,"" on sale. Here are some detail pictures of the final prints. Check out my flickr set for more of the process and the finished print. Washout by Deuce Seven Co-published by Art Minion in Northeast Minneapolis. Separations by Bjorn with Wezz. Printing by Ben and crew. 24 x 17.5"" (image area 21.5 x 14"") 12 color print on Rising Stonehenge archival 100% cotton paper $70 + $5 in the US, $10 shipping international

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