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We Didn't Sleep On It

Posted by Burlesque of North America on May 19, 2009. 0 Comments

This past weekend, Burlesque took part in the Walker Art Center's Don't Sleep On It, a 24-hour artmaking marathon for the kids of WACTAC (Walker Art Center Teen Arts Council). Between the hours of 3-6am on Saturday morning, we transformed a room of the California Building into a massive rave explosion of lasers, video projections, fog, flashing lights, a mosaic mural built out of LP jackets, a gigantic cardboard soundsystem façade complete with with screenprinted speaker graphics, and of course our very own very real DEF FROM BELOW sound system, enhanced with Wes' brand new dual 18"" subwoofer cabinet. BOOOOOOM. The room filled with visuals and kids dancing their butts off. DJ Apt One of the Philaelphyinz rockin' it. Wes and Joe set up lasers and video projections in the back corner. Carrying a fake cardboard speaker through the bright fog. DJ Skinny Friedman and Apt One of the Philadelphyinz. The kids eventually wore themselves out dancing, so we rearranged the room and projected some slides onto the laser-soaked cardboard speaker castle. More fun with slides. A quick snippet from our jam. We wanna thank everyone who helped us make this happen: Witt, Chantz, Evan, Emmanuel, and the rest of the WACTAC crew, Joe and Yui from Puny, Moon Goons, Philadelphyinz, the Slim Jim corporation, and all of the kids who came out and got down!

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