Couche Tard
Posted by Burlesque of North America on April 09, 2009. 0 Comments
Back in the Spring of 2006, I played an opening DJ set at Spankrock's show at the 7th Street Entry while they were on tour supporting their awesome (then brand new) album ""YoYoYoYoYo."" The group's three DJs gave me a copy of their side project mix CD entitled Couche Tard, named after the chain of Canadian convenient stores. It's a solid hour of wild beats, electro-funk, and Huey Lewis. Right up my alley. Three years later, the DJs in question - Devlin, Darko, and XXXchange - asked Burlesque to create some artwork and screenprint the packaging for a reissue of the mix, which would also include a DVD with a video mix to go along with the entire audio track from the CD. Holy moly.
Here's a look at the front cover of the CD. I knew I wanted to include the image of the Couche Tard owl character, but beyond that, they pretty much told me to go nuts with the artwork. I think XXXchange specifically requested that Dracula make a cameo appearance and I had no problem with that.
Here's a shot of the packaging opened up with inserts for the CD on the left and the DVD on the right.
Check out this preview video for the whole package, put together by the creator of the DVD, Caleb Bouchard (no relation to Couche Tard) of {&/or}:
You can cop the Couche Tard CD / DVD from the Fully Fitted DJs at Turntable Lab.
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