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Posted by Burlesque of North America on April 29, 2009. 0 Comments

well hello there! im mentioning this a little late, maybe near a year late at this point, but thats how i roll i guess. Jai Tanju has been making zines and little art books for a while now, you may or may not know about his MUTE series of books, its a collection of photos taken by his friends. MUTE #2, 116 pages, 8.5"" x 8.5"", perfect binding, full-color interior ink, compiled by Jai Tanju, photographs by erik olsen, chris patton, ken nagahara, louie barletta,sam milianta,luda crooks, b. fonville. jonathan hay, matt price and he axed me to give him some photos as well, i think i got 20 some odd pages in it. just dumb photos of my friends doing the dumb stuff we do day in and day out. here is a few little images of mine... you can order the book by clicking HERE if you feel like you need it, and if you feel like you dont need it, let me tell you that you DO need it, trust me on this one, as a whole its a pretty rad little thing. thanks Jai!

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