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Next week and beyond...

Posted by Burlesque of North America on December 19, 2008. 0 Comments

Usually, ever Thursday we have a new awesome item for sale in our webstore. But since next Thursday is Christmas day, we'll be wishing you a Happy Holidays instead. We do have some cool things in store for you soon though. We're going to have the 2nd edition of the Melvins vs. MPLS 3 CD set made available along with some of the recent Star Spangled Banner 7""s the Melvins put out on AmRep. To tide you over, check out the photo set I shot from their recent shows in Minneapolis. Last Saturday was a special encore after Big Business played at Triple Rock. Then Sunday, they played at Grumpy's Roseville. Nearly the whole staff along with David Choe & Co. made it to the Big Business show and were lovin' it. Speaking of David Choe (how's that for a subtle segue?), thanks to everyone so far that's picked up the ""Exodus"" print. A lot of blood, sweat and tears, mostly Ben and Bjorn's, went into the making of this one and it's been great getting so much attention for it. We're going to be posting some little features on it in the next couple weeks. Bjorn will be giving everyone a more in depth look on how a print like this comes together color by color. I'll be putting together a slide show of some of the unique additions David drew, dripped and otherwise made on each of the prints. Also, a few people inquired about possibly setting up a payment plan. We know this is a pricey piece so if anyone would like to set something up, please email

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