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Grace From Falling x Fuko part 2.

Posted by Burlesque of North America on July 15, 2009. 0 Comments

Its officially official! Part two of the two part Fuko print set is available TODAY, July 18th, 17:00 PM (Japan time zone)!! Please visit the Grace From Falling SUB page, or if you are in Tokyo pop into the MEGAFAUNA shop space and pick one up there! Print Details... Print size is 63 x 45.8 (cm) 24 x 18 (inches) 5 color print on French Parchtone Relic Gold Paper. Printed by Burlesque. Hand signed and Numbered, Embossed logo stamp with SPECIAL Fuko signature. ¥6,800 (including in japan tax) + ¥ 840 shipping in Japan, ¥2,500 international. Just so you know Fuko is down, here are a few photos of her literally rocking the hell out of the Todd Bratrud ""4 Boobs are Better than 2 shirt"" (available in the BRLSQ store). if you need a little more info about all this click HERE.

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