Keeling Group

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Posted by Burlesque of North America on October 02, 2009. 0 Comments

Thanks to everyone who came to our booth at the Walker Art Center's PosterMart last night. We met some cool folks and saw some fresh work from our friend Flora Fauna and others. It's so great to live in a city with some much poster design talent. Here's Wezz at our table: Our Factory Sale starts TODAY!!! Check out the sneak preview photo below for an idea of what's waiting at our studio. So many deals! Had your eye on one of our $20 or $30 posters but been waiting for the price to come down? Now's the time! This is it! Can't make it? Get in touch with a friend and have them pick up some posters for you. We don't do these kinds of deals that often, so this is the perfect chance to get your hands on some inexpensive fine art made right here in Minneapolis! 3-8pm Friday 12-5pm Saturday Free admission, all ages welcome 1101 Stinson Blvd NE, Minneapolis MN 55413 (612) 379-4151

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