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Announcing BRLSQ Sightings!

Posted by Burlesque of North America on August 22, 2013. 0 Comments

We're kicking off a brand new weekly contest! Effective immediately, we want to see your Burlesque prints framed up nicely, your shirts worn out in the world, moustache bandanas on your pets, some random person on the bus with a Dr. Dre sticker on their laptop, and Hater stickers being used to the fullest. HOW IT WORKS Post your best photo including any Burlesque product and tag it using any of the following networks: Facebook: Burlesque of North America Twitter: @BRLSQ or #BRLSQsighting Instagram: #BRLSQsighting OK, THEN WHAT? We will choose our favorite photo each week, share it in our newsletter and on our blog, then send the winner a mystery grab bag full of BRLSQ goodies! Go and get snappin' and we will announce the first weekly winner on Tuesday August 27! SO WHAT ARE THESE SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE? Check out the picture below for an idea of the kind of photos we're hoping to receive. This Dr. Dre Magnetic Poetry masterpiece was assembled and submitted by our bud Steve from The Hood Internet last year. The bar has been set! Now go on out there and top that!

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